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Fairer scheduling in 2015

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Fairer scheduling in 2015 Empty Fairer scheduling in 2015

Post by England rugby fan Tue 25 Oct 2011, 11:12 am

Quite right that the top teams should play mid week and that Wales should not get any games.

England rugby fan

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Fairer scheduling in 2015 Empty Re: Fairer scheduling in 2015

Post by mystiroakey Tue 25 Oct 2011, 11:23 am

its a simple fact of life that we need to maximise revenues for this world cup. and if the figures dont add up due to haveing to garantee the IRB so much money(from the rfu perspectove) the welsh hosting there own games could be pushed for by the rfu. the Wfu obviously want this as well, but its gonna come down to the rfu and the irb primarily.

the qoute about the trination powerhouse opposing this option is a joke from my point of view - especially since they have just given the irb an ultimatum to get comenstaion for ultimately failing in there domestic leagues and needing more revenue to keep going!

this is about revenue and the fact that the irb want a massive chunk of it(80 mill) not about giving wales an advantage.

to put things in perspective the kiwis only had to pay out 50 mill- same as france did in 2007. australia had to pull out of the running due to the 80 mill being out of there range!

The tri nations are right to suggest that it could make things tough fro tier 2 and 3 nations if wales and england are in the same group- but the fact is there are being hyper hypoctrical under the circumstances, because they are doing nothing to help these tier 2 and 3 nations out either.

Just because the RFU are using forward planning is only a good thing. The kiwis etc accept the wc- then when it doesnt go how they want they demand compenstation!- surely its better to sort it out before hand, not whinge in the aftermath


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Fairer scheduling in 2015 Empty Re: Fairer scheduling in 2015

Post by mystiroakey Tue 25 Oct 2011, 11:46 am

to get on to the scheduling point as well- that is also to do with maximising revenues.

Are the tri nationsoapposed to that?

because we didnt hear them say it was unfair before the 2011 wc, and the nh teams wernt telling the kiwis that they shouldnt be unfair to the tier 2 and 3 nations by giving them as much rest days ,at the expense of the kiwis maximising revenues!

its all hypocrisy.

not saying we shouldnt be doing all we can to help out the lower tierd nations- yes i think we should- but this is all off our responsibilties not just the business savey NH nations resposibility. The sh teams are all mouth and no trousers when it comes to this!


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