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Tebow Time

The Mangler US_UK
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Tebow Time Empty Tebow Time

Post by GangGreen Tue 11 Oct 2011, 5:03 pm

Its official, the Broncos have named Tebow their starter for their next game which is against Miami (bye week for them this week.) What are peoples thoughts? I for one am glad the lad is getting his opportunity, he seems like a good guy who really does just want to compete and WIN.
I do not however think he is a better QB than Orton (who I am not a fan of) but I do believe that he gives the Broncos the best chance of winning because of his ability outside the pocket.

Career Stats - 12 games

Passer Rating - 84.2
Comp Percentage - 48.9% - This is the scary number he needs to improve
Passing TDs - 6
Int - 3
Rushing TDs - 7
Yds Per Rush - 5.3


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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by Pr4wn Tue 11 Oct 2011, 5:38 pm

I'm no fan of either QB but they need something to make that team work and win. Orton wasn't getting it done, Tebow is the logical choice, I guess.

Either way, Denver should be going after someone like Landry Jones or Matt Barkley in the coming draft.


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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by Thomond Tue 11 Oct 2011, 5:45 pm

From what I have seen Tebow has an awful throwing motion. He looks to rely on YAC a lot.


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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by The Mangler US_UK Tue 11 Oct 2011, 5:50 pm

Yes, that has been the big knock on him, his godawful throwing motion taking him too long to deliver the ball. I guess we'll see how it goes though -- he's done nothing but win since childhood so now he'll get the chance to show the legions of Tebowites what he can do in the NFL.

The Mangler US_UK

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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by Grizzly Tue 11 Oct 2011, 7:22 pm

Fan power.
The Colorado faithful have been demanding Tebow since last season and Orton was always going to be pushed out, Fox had no option IMO.


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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by TheBrownTown Tue 11 Oct 2011, 8:19 pm

Very pleased about this, I'm not saying Tebow's definitely the answer but Orton is definitely not. This is the last year of Orton's contract and there's no way we'll get to the playoffs to it makes complete sense to see what we have in Tebow. If he plays well then great, we have our guy, if not then at least we know that and we can get a QB in the draft.
I love the intensity Tebow plays with, he makes everyone around him better and he brings an energy to the offense which we've lacked. I can't wait to see him play at Miami on a game that has been promoted for a while by the Dolphins as "Gator Day".


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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by arizona_tom Tue 11 Oct 2011, 10:12 pm

TheBrownTown wrote:Very pleased about this, I'm not saying Tebow's definitely the answer but Orton is definitely not. This is the last year of Orton's contract and there's no way we'll get to the playoffs to it makes complete sense to see what we have in Tebow. If he plays well then great, we have our guy, if not then at least we know that and we can get a QB in the draft.
I love the intensity Tebow plays with, he makes everyone around him better and he brings an energy to the offense which we've lacked. I can't wait to see him play at Miami on a game that has been promoted for a while by the Dolphins as "Gator Day".

I have to really disagree with you there in saying orton is not the answer. Over his career he has 79TD's and 55 INT, and im pretty confident he has won more games than hes lost,hes definetly a starting qb in this league- something i cant say for tim. Yes hes had some bad games this year but that probably has something to do with the poor o-line and the fan storm going in Denver. Tim just isnt ready its as simple as that!


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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by GangGreen Tue 11 Oct 2011, 10:39 pm

Isn't Orton something like 6-21 in his last 27 starts. For him to be a winning QB he would had to have had a pretty good record before this.


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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by Grizzly Wed 12 Oct 2011, 8:46 am

Ganggreen - that may be true, but I have felt sorry for him ever since they drafted Tebow and the fan reaction.
Ortons numbers last year were fine in a bad team, there were locker room issues and then there was the coach, he led his team well during a bad period and came out with credit, the way the fans turned on him this year I felt was unfair and Fox was left with no alterantive.
I don't rate Orton the next worldbeater but i thought he deserved better than that, perhaps one of the struggling sides can agree a trade a get him away from him Denver nightmare.
Miami perhaps ?


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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by thunder and lightning Wed 12 Oct 2011, 12:56 pm

Personally I'd stick with Orton for the time being, but be prepared to bring Tebow on if the offence is not getting going. The start of last year Orton was red hot and able to move the ball as well as anybody. This year he's not had a fully fit Brandon Lloyd, his favourite target, and with the teams they've face you could only be looking before hand at them going 2-3 at best imo. Tebow is without a doubt a game changer but I'm not buy him being a full time QB in the NFL, so if, like on Sunday, your down at the half and want to mix things up then bring him on. As a full time starter Tebow will get figured out in no time, as D's are starting to with Vick, except with Tebow you don't really have to worry so much about him burning you massively in the passing game.

thunder and lightning

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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by TheBrownTown Wed 12 Oct 2011, 3:52 pm

People look at Orton's stats the past couple years and think he's a good QB, but there's a reason the broncos fans think he's bad. We have watched the games and seen that Orton has flaws that do not show up in stats (other than losses). He is the opposite of clutch, he falls over at the slightest sense of pressure, he is not good in the redzone and he is completely immobile. Orton is a mediocre QB that needs a great D and good supporting cast to succeed, he never wins games by himself.


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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by arizona_tom Wed 12 Oct 2011, 4:01 pm

TheBrownTown wrote:People look at Orton's stats the past couple years and think he's a good QB, but there's a reason the broncos fans think he's bad. We have watched the games and seen that Orton has flaws that do not show up in stats (other than losses). He is the opposite of clutch, he falls over at the slightest sense of pressure, he is not good in the redzone and he is completely immobile. Orton is a mediocre QB that needs a great D and good supporting cast to succeed, he never wins games by himself.

When he has started hes won exactly the same amount of games as he has lost.


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Tebow Time Empty Re: Tebow Time

Post by TheBrownTown Wed 12 Oct 2011, 5:19 pm

My point still stands and a lot of those wins were in Chicago


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