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AberdeenSteve's League of Chung! - Tactics Submission

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AberdeenSteve's League of Chung! - Tactics Submission - Page 2 Empty AberdeenSteve's League of Chung! - Tactics Submission

Post by Guest Mon 10 Oct 2011, 11:30 am

First topic message reminder :

Please submit your tactics on this thread.
Tactics are to posted on or before every Thursday. 8pm is the cut off time on the Thursday.

You do not need to go in to massive amounts of detail, but obviously the following criteria is vital:

The Fixture and week number (Please put your Rosters name in BOLD)
Show Name
Brief description of each match, who wins.
Add any surprises, debuts, promos.
Promo's do not need to be lengthy. A couple of sentences about the jist of the promo will do.
Add anything that you feel makes your card stand out.
Please keep the cards as realistic as possible, i.e. not putting the belt on the line every week and being full of gimmick matches.


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AberdeenSteve's League of Chung! - Tactics Submission - Page 2 Empty Re: AberdeenSteve's League of Chung! - Tactics Submission

Post by Marky Fri 13 Jan 2012, 1:21 pm

Week 9
Devon Championship Wrestling v 6wE

The show opens with a recap of events from last time out, with Nexus, the Road Dogg/Chuck Palumbo and the London/Kendrick v Young Bucks feuds, and hyping up a 6wE Tag Team Championship defence tonight between the champs Bad Intentions and the challengers The Steiners.

***Bam Bam Bigelow v Michael Tarver***

The rest of Nexus accompany Tarver to the ring but GM Adamson walks out and tells Nexus they're banned from ringside!

Bigelow dominated Tarver throughout, Bigelow using his strength and weight advantage to his benefit, Tarver's only offence being from his dangerous punches, which have an effect on Bigelow but Bigelow is able to overpower Tarver.

Bigelow hits Tarver with a "Greetings from Asbury Park" piledriver, he decides not to go for the pinfall, but instead climbs the turnbuckle, the crowd lap it up as Bam Bam hits the "Bam Bam Sault" from the top rope, squashing Michael Tarver in the ring! Bigelow pins Tarver for the one, two, three.

***Winner, Bam Bam Bigelow***

Post match: The rest of Nexus race down to the ring and they begin a 4 on 1 assault on Bam Bam, culminating in Wade Barrett hitting a Wastelands on Bigelow through the announce table!


Karl Anderson and Giant Bernard are shown preparing for their 6wE Tag Team Championship defence later tonight.


***Paul London w/Brian Kendrick v Nick Jackson w/Matt Jackson***

The announcers state the stipulation that if London wins, next week Londrick v Young Bucks will happen.

After a fast paced match, Paul London looks to finish the match off as he stands on the top turnbuckle with Nick Jackson flat on the mat, Matt Jackson pushes London off the turnbuckle and the referee calls for the bell, Brian Kendrick helps London to his feet.

***Winner by DQ, Paul London***

Post match: London and Kendrick celebrate and they tell the Young Bucks to get ready, Nick and Matt Jackson retreat up the ramp, arguing amongst themselves.


Scott and Rick Steiner are shown preparing for the 6wE Tag Team Title match, they look focused and ready to go!


***Road Dogg v Chuck Palumbo w/Rico***

Road Dogg gets plenty of offence in on Chuck, gaining some retribution on Chuck for last week and he almost gets disqualified for continuously punching Chuck! Road Dogg then suplexes Chuck and the crowd go wild as Road Dogg gets onto all fours and cocks his leg on Chuck! Rico goes crazy on the outside and Road Dogg gets up to finish the match off.

The crowd cheer as Billy Gunn walks out and is stood at the top of the ramp watching, Road Dogg beckons him to come down, Billy is unsure what to do, Rico slides Chuck a chair and Rico gets onto the apron to distract the referee.

The chair makes contact with the back of Road Dogg's head with a crash, Road Dogg collapses to the mat and Billy Gunn looks on shocked, Chuck smirks at him and he loses the chair quickly before the referee can do his job, the referee counts the pinfall, one, two, three.

***Winner, Chuck Palumbo***

Post match: EMT's and medics check on Road Dogg, Billy Gunn is showing concern and is also showing guilt. Road Dogg is bleeding profusely from the back of the head.


GM Max Adamson announces that due to the amount of controversy in 6wE, the 6wE Tag Team Championship will be contested under No DQ, No Countout rules. He wishes both teams good luck.


***6wE Tag Team Championship***
***No Countout, No DQ - Bad Intentions (c) v The Steiners***

The match is back and forth with both teams scoring near falls, Scott and Rick Steiner hit some classic tag team moves on Karl Anderson and Giant Bernard, but the reigning Champs are able to fight back consistently.
As all four men are in the ring and struggling to get to their feet after a classic match, the Nexus music hits and Wade Barrett leads the other four men to the ring!

They stare at the four men and they attack all four participants! Stixx hits a spinebuster to Rick Steiner, Tarver hits a knockout punch to Karl Anderson, Harris hits his Reverse STO to Scott Steiner, McGillicutty hits the McGillicutter to Giant Bernard, and Wade Barrett hits the Wasteland to the knocked out Karl Anderson!

As Nexus leave, the referee re-enters the ring, with all four men down, Rick Steiner crawls over to Karl Anderson and drapes an arm over him, the referee counts one, two, three!

***Winners, and new 6wE Tag Team Champions, Scott and Rick, The Steiners***

Post match: Rick and Scott roll from the ring and take the titles, Nexus aren't happy about this and return to the ring, Scott and Rick leave through the booing crowd carrying their Tag Titles with them, Nexus continue a post match beatdown of the former Champions Bad Intentions and then pose as the crowd jeer, litter starts to be thrown at the ring as the show goes off the air.


Posts : 29638
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 37
Location : Crawley, West Sussex

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