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Southampton star attacked

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Southampton star attacked  Empty Southampton star attacked

Post by Fernando Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:13 pm

beaten up outside a nightclub.

The 24-year-old centre-back was the victim of a vicious attack in the early hours of Friday morning in the city.

Seaborne was found lying outside Junk nightclub with serious head injuries. He condition was initially described as potentially life-threatening, but has now been updated to 'serious but stable'.

He is understood to have been inside the nightclub on London Road with friends before the incident took place.

Police were called to the scene, while Seaborne was treated by paramedics before being rushed in an ambulance to Southampton General Hospital.

A spokesman for the football club said: 'Southampton Football Club can confirm that Dan Seaborne has sustained a significant head injury and is in hospital under close observation.

'His condition is currently stable, not life threatening, and he is showing signs of improvement. The club will issue further updates on Dan's progress in due course.'

Two men, aged 35 and 29, have been arrested in connection with the incident, a police spokesman confirmed.

Describing the incident, a Hampshire police spokesman said: 'Police were called around 2.51am after Mr Seaborne was found collapsed on the pavement outside the Junk nightclub on London Road with head injuries.

'He was treated at the scene by paramedics before being taken to Southampton General Hospital where his condition is described as serious but stable.

'Investigating officers have established that Mr Seaborne was involved in a minor verbal altercation within the nightclub and was asked to leave. He subsequently left the club with a friend.

'A further altercation then took place outside the nightclub that resulted in Mr Seaborne sustaining his injuries and detectives, led by Detective Inspector Justin Norris, are talking to potential witnesses and viewing CCTV footage to try and establish exactly what caused these injuries.

'Although a number of witnesses have been identified and spoken to by police, officers are appealing for others to come forward, especially if they witnessed the second altercation outside the club.'

The scene of the attack has been sealed off by police.

On the day of the incident, Seaborne took part in an open training session at the club's St Mary's Stadium in front of fans.

He joined Southampton in January 2010 from Exeter for £250,000 and has gone on to make 43 appearances as they push for promotion from the Championship to the Barclays Premier League.

Exeter's director of football Steve Perryman told the Southern Daily Echo: 'Everyone at Exeter City wishes Dan, and his family, well at this time.

'He is such a lovely lad and we desperately hope that he recovers as soon as he can.'

source: dailymail


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Southampton star attacked  Empty Re: Southampton star attacked

Post by dyrewolfe Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:09 pm

Sounds like whoever he was arguing with followed him outside and jumped him.

Hope he makes a full recovery and is playing again soon.

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Southampton star attacked  Empty Re: Southampton star attacked

Post by Marky Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:49 am



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