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Q&A with Johnny Dice - answers

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Q&A with Johnny Dice - answers Empty Q&A with Johnny Dice - answers

Post by Johnny Dice Mon 29 Aug 2011, 9:22 am

Good morning 6CWF.

I have been asked by the people who run 606v2 to do a fan interaction session. So I have been sent the questions and here are my answers. Also dont forget to buy my new book "Against All Odds" which charts my rise to the top of the wrestling tag divisions, and failed record career - who knew that covering the Phil Collins song was so 2000. I was born in the 80's man, the time of Rubiks Cuves, Donkey Kong and Steve Sharona.

Anyway back to the answers:

Leone asks
How does it feel to be on the same roster as Keith Leone?

Would you list Keith Leone as one of your main influences?

Do you think you'll be the first ever 6CWF Undisputed Tag Team Champions?

Okay - how do I feel to be on the same roster as Keith Leone? Pretty, pretty good truth be told. The guy has done it all - 6WF, 6CW, 6CWF and has won gold everywhere he has gone. A legend in the making. But I tell you one thing, he still hasnt pinned me. In fact no one has yet. Even if the Saint returned and randomly RKOd me in the centre of the ring, I would still kick out.

And I am sorry to say, Keith, that you werent one of my idols growing up. Maybe a bit cliche but the gys I looked up to were Ravishing Rick Rude, Randy Savage and Hobo - the true greats of this business that maybe dont get the respect they deserve for various reasons.

As for tag belts - hell yeah. I have $20k riding on me becoming the first 6CWF undisputed champs. The Soldiers of Fortune are just that. Soldiers who are going to make me a fortune by being steamrolled by Frosted Dice. Thanks for the questions.

King Beer asks
Did you take a lot of encouragement from how River Ace rose through 6WF?

What are your opinions on Dr Shoe, Cole Law and Eddie Lee Creavy?

I have heard this before - I am like River Ace. But its coincidence baby. I never steal gimmicks. Thats just wrong. What? What? Its all about the three I's baby. Individuality, Iconisism and Ill feeling toward me. No idea what that just meant but never mind - you smell what I am cooking?

As for those 3, Cole Law was a nutjob. But he sucked. For pete's sake - Dexter Morgan beat him! Thats how bad he was. Eddie Lee Creavie was awesome - someone I aspire to. A great tag champ with a career away from Wrestling. His last album rocks too - you should buy it, after buying y book of course. And Dr Shoe is still about. I walked in on the female changing room earlier and he was measuring up a woman for a augmentation. I never knew you had to knead the operation area to make them supple.

Thanks for the question KB.

What's your views on the 80's?
From Steve Sharona

Is this really from Sharona? Get yourself back in the ring dude. You rocked 6WE - you inspired me growing up. The 80's ruled - they had the best music, clothes, films and wrestlers. Seriously - come back soon.

Gregers of Brighton writes -
Is Jack Frost your best friend in wrestling, and how did you end up tagging together?

Why did you choose 6CW over 6WF?

Well truth be known it was like Pygmalion - it was a bet. I was bet $40g's that I couldnt turn Frost into the tag champ. Shameful yes, but I am glad I took the bet as Jack is a top guy and one of my best friends in the biz. What started as a stupid bet, has blossomed into a lasting friendship.

And why 6CW over 6WF? quite simple - depth of talent. If you want to be the best, you gotta beat the best.

YI Man writes
What is your favourite casino game?

What is the biggest gambling loss you have had, what has been your biggest win?

What's your views on the merge with 6WF?

Favorite game - all of them. Though I do enjoy a good crap. A game of craps that is.

Biggest loss - I had some money on myself winning a belt in my first month in 6CW. That was a tough pill to swallow. But my biggest win will come when I get the undisputed tag title. Got some serious Doh Ray Me on that one.

My views on the merger are that its great. Granted there were only a few fans that werent already watching my matches on 6CW, but now I can test myself and clean out anothe division too.

Thanks for the question.

some more questions from KB
Are you gay?

How much is 'too much Ritolin'?

I am not gay and there is nothing wrong with it if I was. Good luck to those wrestlers like Clarke James who have come out over the years. But its not my scene.

And the second question is plain stupid.

A question from Dicey in Eire
Is Dicey your Hero? if so discuss

What was REALLY wrong with Frost's voice?

If you could pick a new partner would it be, Shinobi Blackbeard or Clement Oedipus?

How do you get the figs in the figrolls?

Dicey is not my hero. I dont look up to anyone anymore - just sideways.
I beleive Jack Frost had what is known as a torn tonsil, which was caused by hitting it with something long suddenly. Its a mystery how it happened.

I think they are both top class potential partners who both cut their careers way too short. I like the brains of Clement, and his finisher had the best name of anyone ever, but we dont need too brainiacs in a tag team (no offence Jack) so I would go for the madness of Shinobi.

I believe that the figs are coaxed into the rolls, by playing them the latest Cranberries CD at a subsonic level only audible to hanging fruit.

Thanks for the questions.

Mr Kenty asks
How does it feel to be on the same roster as the greatest wrestler ever to grace the 6CW, Mr Kenty?
The guy I beat last week and ill beat again today? Not impressed. Next!

Marshall wants to know
Cassius, Hero, Enforcer

Shag, marry, avoid?

After some thought, as Cassius is from the Asia sub continent, if racial stereotyping is true, he would have quite a small egg roll. So I would shag him.
Enforcer is someone I would marry as he would enforce and protect me from the bad things in life. Defo marriage material.
And I would avoid Hero in the same way he avoids his Austin parenting duties.

Thanks for the bizzare question.

Bull asks:
do you think you will ever appear in 6WF? and are you the guy up in the rafters?

I will be in 6wf very shortly - as your undisputed tag champ with Jack Frost. And I am not the man in the rafters. But if you want to know who I think it is, who I hope it is.....Steve Sharona.

Thank you for all of your questions and dont forget to support the John Hartson Charity - details Here

Talk soon 6CWF - always bet on Dice.

Johnny Dice

Posts : 50
Join date : 2011-02-01

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