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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Belgarion of Riva
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Where will Hamilton come in the 2011 Belgium GP?

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Vote_lcap18%The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Vote_rcap 18% 
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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Vote_lcap9%The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Vote_rcap 9% 
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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Thu 25 Aug 2011, 5:44 pm


Since all the talk this weekend is about the up coming Belgium GP (Rightly so!), the fans will be out in force this weekend to discuss all things....... Lewis Hamilton.

I am going to run an official poll on how well you think Lewis Hamilton will do in this weekends race.

I feel that he is coming into this race under immense pressure from his splendid team mate Jenson Button MBE who has rediscovered his form and is starting to really put in some consistent performances and race winning management skills like in Hungary.

Hamilton will respond in the only way he knows. Driving to fast and trying to hard leading to his inevitable downfall.

Please, I welcome others to predict how the "Second coming of J. Villeneuve" will do this weekend.

Forza Alonso!
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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by The Special Juan Thu 25 Aug 2011, 5:54 pm

Spa suits the McLaren. Lewis to win, and if it's a wet/dry race I'll say a McLaren 1/2.
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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Josiah Maiestas Thu 25 Aug 2011, 6:00 pm

I expect a podium, and as I believe in jinxes, I will say he comes 3rd (please comes 1st though!)
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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Guest Thu 25 Aug 2011, 6:05 pm

Was it you who picked 'Not start due to the 107% rule'?

Hamilton 2nd

Forza YI - A v2 Founder predictor!


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Thu 25 Aug 2011, 6:27 pm


Me? 107%? What ever gives you that idea?

Maybe somebody else thinks he may struggle in qualifying...

Forza Alonso!
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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Irish Curry Thu 25 Aug 2011, 7:02 pm

I'd say he will crash out I just have that feeling about me. That or he might be on the podium or 4th.
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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by dyrewolfe Fri 26 Aug 2011, 12:13 pm

Hamilton will respond in the only way he knows. Driving to fast and trying to hard leading to his inevitable downfall.

Seem very sure of this Mr Ciabatta. I'd have thought a seasoned F1 fan such as yourself would have noticed how many times this has actually paid off, leading Hamilton to either win, or finish on the podium.

How about you create a poll for your idol Senor Diaz instead?

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by dyrewolfe Fri 26 Aug 2011, 12:16 pm

For the record, I think Spa should suit the Red Bulls and unless the weather or technical problems disrupt proceedings, I reckon Hamilton will have to settle for a podium finish...I'll say 3rd.

Naturally though, I am hoping for a McLaren 1-2, both as a fan and for the sake of the title race.

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Bull Fri 26 Aug 2011, 12:28 pm

I Think he will Finnish 5th , hoping Alonso wins Very Happy


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Guest Sun 28 Aug 2011, 2:08 pm

You could clearly see that Hamilton was looking into the corner and not in his mirrors on that crash. I don't think it was totally his fault.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Critical_mass Sun 28 Aug 2011, 2:33 pm

Wasnt Lewis' fault at all, IF we are pointing fingers, then it was Kobayashi who was at fault. But then it was only a minor incident, Lewis just happen to go into the barrier which is what took him out of the race.

RB, though not as strong this race as they have been, but still strong. Suprised ALonso didnt get a podium and Button did well to get a podium


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by monty junior Sun 28 Aug 2011, 2:49 pm

Button>Hamilton OK

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Bull Sun 28 Aug 2011, 3:27 pm

well done to Shumi and Button best drivers of the day ... to be honest i think Lewis is more to blame then Kobi as he was not looking in his mirrors on that crash but its not his Fault completely


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by dyrewolfe Sun 28 Aug 2011, 3:38 pm

TheBrahmaBull wrote:well done to Shumi and Button best drivers of the day ... to be honest i think Lewis is more to blame then Kobi as he was not looking in his mirrors on that crash but its not his Fault completely

90% Kobayashi's fault as he could definitely see where Hamlton was and has a duty to avoid whoever is in front of him, whereas its quite possible Hamilton didn't see him, or was too busy looking where he was going.

You shouldn't be checking your mirrors going into a corner.

Only thing you can say Lewis did wrong was hanging wide as long as he did. If he'd just turned in a fraction sooner, he'd have avoided the collision. Kobayashi could and should have pulled out as he didn't have a hope of passing Lewis at that point anyway.

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Critical_mass Sun 28 Aug 2011, 5:47 pm

I agree with that 100% ^^ Lewis was looking into the corner and you can see that on the quali. Funny how similar situation at canada happens in spa, this time with lewis infront and both cars goign out and people can still find something to blame Lewis for. Yet BUtton was an innocent party during canada.

Im not sure what the Anti-hamilton Brigade want him to do. He was in front, the pass was complete. Koby shouldnt have been trying to get up the outside of a corner he didnt stand a chance of taking Lewis in, plus a gap that was always goign to disappear.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Belgarion of Riva Mon 29 Aug 2011, 11:27 am

Critical_mass wrote:I agree with that 100% ^^ Lewis was looking into the corner and you can see that on the quali. Funny how similar situation at canada happens in spa, this time with lewis infront and both cars goign out and people can still find something to blame Lewis for. Yet BUtton was an innocent party during canada.

Im not sure what the Anti-hamilton Brigade want him to do. He was in front, the pass was complete. Koby shouldnt have been trying to get up the outside of a corner he didnt stand a chance of taking Lewis in, plus a gap that was always goign to disappear.

This is why I believe that most of the people who hate Hamilton have an ulterior motive rather than a racing one.

Maldonado rams him, he gets a reprimand, Kobayashi takes him out and they are blaming him. The guy can't win.

The same people haven't written articles slating Maldonado, Webber, Schumacher, Vettel etc for dangerous driving but the tar and feathers are out when it's Hamilton. Kobayashi caused an almighty accident in Monaco and got away with it and did the same yesterday.

Double standards

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Bull Mon 29 Aug 2011, 12:52 pm

to be honest when Maldonaldo Hit him i though he should of been dropped 10 places , and that Lewis should not of got a Penalty for doing nothing


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Critical_mass Mon 29 Aug 2011, 1:54 pm

BofR - EXACTLY mate EXACTLY. Double standards. They're out with the pitch forks when Lewis does something wrong and then hold the grudge for months/years later. Schumacher crashing into people has never had the same attention lewis gets.

I think more should have been done to Maldonado 5 place drop was ok, but it was an intentional, aggressive swoop at Lewis' car and he should have been fined also. I hope mclaren are going to Williams for cash to replace the bits he broke. The stewards are clearly blinkered when it comes to punishing lewis or punishing other incidents that involve lewis but who was an innocent party.

Sickening really.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by liverbnz Mon 29 Aug 2011, 2:47 pm

Er, Hamilton blames himself. He should have looked in his mirrors. He knows it, most objective people know it, fan boys refuse to lay blame at his door ever, bemoaning his luck or whatever other cowpat they can conjure up.

Plus, there were as many people blaming Button (myself) for the incident in Canada as there were Hamilton, so stop placing Hamilton as some sort of victim. It's bloody cringeworthy.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Belgarion of Riva Mon 29 Aug 2011, 3:06 pm

liverbnz wrote:Er, Hamilton blames himself. He should have looked in his mirrors. He knows it, most objective people know it, fan boys refuse to lay blame at his door ever, bemoaning his luck or whatever other cowpat they can conjure up.

Plus, there were as many people blaming Button (myself) for the incident in Canada as there were Hamilton, so stop placing Hamilton as some sort of victim. It's bloody cringeworthy.

Hamilton said what he did for PR purposes. What pray tell was Kobayashi trying to do, overtake?? I find it cringeworthy when people use the term fanboy as it displays immaturity. This guy goes out to race and entertain people, he's been culpable for daft moves in the past but he did nothing wrong in Belgium. Kobayashi ran into him.

I wish people like you would write articles slating other drivers as well for balance and fairness. I'm not even a Hamilton fan and I can sympathise with him.

One thing is clear though, if the Hamilton Haters (I can be childish as well) didn't consider him an ace driver, they wouldn't spend so much time slating him.

We need drivers like hamilton in this sport, his talent should be encouraged and not stifled

Belgarion of Riva

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Fernando Mon 29 Aug 2011, 3:08 pm

Lewis Hamilton has apologised to his McLaren team and taken the blame for his crash with Kamui Kobayshi's Sauber that ended his Belgian Grand Prix.

"After watching the replay, I realize it was my fault today 100%. I didn't give Kobayashi enough room though I thought I was past," he Tweeted.

"Apologies to Kamui and to my team. The team deserves better from me."


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Guest Mon 29 Aug 2011, 3:41 pm

season over so who cares! arguing ova nothin' important. after the classic 10' season this has been a shocker. i dont care about the increased quantity of overtaking, 90% of overtaking now is uncontested! hopefully next season is more competitive the damage was done in the first half of the season. roll on 2011!


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Mon 29 Aug 2011, 6:19 pm


As expertly predicted the Golden Boy tried to hard and crashed.

I heard somebody say that the incident with Kobi was similar to that with Jenson Button MBE in Canada. The only similarity in that statement the 'Hamilton' factor.

In Canada Hamilton was at the start of the impossible over taking manoeuvre and knowing the door was about to be slammed in his face he just tried fitting his car into an ever closing gap. The end of this incident proved that it was his fault.

In Belgium he got complacent thinking he completed the over take but he obviously had not. All this nonsense that Kobi should of given up is nonsense. If he should give up everytime a driver overtakes him then what's the point in racing?

He tried keeping Hamilton honest into the corner. Unfortunately for him he was nearly taken out of the GP due to poor Race Track Awareness Management in the Silver car.

This race was over after the safety car saved the day for Red Bull. Chewing on the fat of another Hamilton mistake will not change the fact that Jenson Button MBE is going to out score Hamilton and become the second team mate that was not been out scored by Mr Mclaren!

Forza Alonso!
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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by liverbnz Mon 29 Aug 2011, 7:43 pm

Belgarion of Riva wrote:
liverbnz wrote:Er, Hamilton blames himself. He should have looked in his mirrors. He knows it, most objective people know it, fan boys refuse to lay blame at his door ever, bemoaning his luck or whatever other cowpat they can conjure up.

Plus, there were as many people blaming Button (myself) for the incident in Canada as there were Hamilton, so stop placing Hamilton as some sort of victim. It's bloody cringeworthy.

Hamilton said what he did for PR purposes. What pray tell was Kobayashi trying to do, overtake?? I find it cringeworthy when people use the term fanboy as it displays immaturity. This guy goes out to race and entertain people, he's been culpable for daft moves in the past but he did nothing wrong in Belgium. Kobayashi ran into him.

I wish people like you would write articles slating other drivers as well for balance and fairness. I'm not even a Hamilton fan and I can sympathise with him.

One thing is clear though, if the Hamilton Haters (I can be childish as well) didn't consider him an ace driver, they wouldn't spend so much time slating him.

We need drivers like hamilton in this sport, his talent should be encouraged and not stifled

I'm not a hater. I have no real preference or dislike for any driver. I like a racer as much as the rest but just because Hamilton takes a risk or two doesn't exalt him from criticism. Neither am I trying to stifle Hamilton, I enjoy watching him, although I think he could be a bit more calculated at times.

His comments may well have been for PR but he didn't have to go as far and say that it was his fault. He coul have simply apologised for his earlier
comments, to Kamui and to the team.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by dummy_half Tue 30 Aug 2011, 11:19 am

There was only one reason for Hamilton's crash, and that was that his car was dog slow in a straight line - he overtook Kobiashi well before the braking zone, with the DRS open, and would normally have expected to be 3-5 car lengths clear by the braking point. However, for whatever reason Lewis's car had awful top-end speed and so Koby was able to get into the tow and close back up to ahve an overlap by the corner entry.

Hamilton was in the wrong in not seeing Koby there and therefore not giving him enough space, but I understand why LH didn't expect a car that he'd past ealrier on the straight to be still almost level with him by the corner entry.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Critical_mass Tue 30 Aug 2011, 11:32 am

Im the first person to say when Hamilton is in the wrong, unlike Alexandro Ciabatta, i can critise the driver i support as well as praising/defending him - therefore not being biased. The point i was making was a general one and not specifically direct at you liverbnz. But it appears at the mo, regardless what hamilton does, these people who dislike him for whatever reason, will find something to blame him for... no one can deny that as every incident people say its not his fault. As for the stewards, when its not his fault and another driver is at fault, no further action is taken - go figure.

Jenson is only 3 points ahead of Lewis, that is all. So lets not get ahead of yourself yeh... we'll see at the end of the season. Which proves my point earlier about people being biased and being unbalanced in their comments. Not one good thing has AC said about lewis, though completely biased towards own drivers - thanks for proving my point AC.

Monza should be an interesting race with the cars that have Merc engines having excellent top speed, with very few corners that needs aero, RB could be in trouble here. Also, WHEN will webber get a win ! Sad


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Josiah Maiestas Tue 30 Aug 2011, 12:06 pm

As a Kobayashi fan I was disappointed that he failed to get his breaking in order, but, Hamilton was also naive thinking drivers behind him would slow right down, guy can't seem to get any consistency going this season!
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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Critical_mass Tue 30 Aug 2011, 12:20 pm

As said somewhere above, 2011 is over. It will take a miracle for anyone to catch Vettel. If i was mclaren and ferrari and any other of the teams, id start looking at 2012s car.

Thats another thing, i wish they'd stop making reg changes for the next season all the time. We get no real idea of drivers performance, it only shows what one team/driver can make the most of the new regs, or even who can make use of the regs the quickest. e.g. 2009 season.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by omar22 Tue 30 Aug 2011, 12:50 pm

dummy_half wrote:There was only one reason for Hamilton's crash, and that was that his car was dog slow in a straight line - he overtook Kobiashi well before the braking zone, with the DRS open, and would normally have expected to be 3-5 car lengths clear by the braking point. However, for whatever reason Lewis's car had awful top-end speed and so Koby was able to get into the tow and close back up to ahve an overlap by the corner entry.

Hamilton was in the wrong in not seeing Koby there and therefore not giving him enough space, but I understand why LH didn't expect a car that he'd past ealrier on the straight to be still almost level with him by the corner entry.

The Both Mclaren were set up for a wet race..

Look Lewis has said he was responsible for the crash ............ but what I dont understand was the same people who were hammering Lewis for Sundays incident were the same people who were hammering Lewis for Canada's incident.... People like Nikki Lauda and Co


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Critical_mass Tue 30 Aug 2011, 1:28 pm

yeah noticed Lauda had stuck is oar in again, he clearly has issues with Lewis. The problem with Lewis' critics, the stewards, the fans that dont like him is that they have no consistancy, if he does something they jump on him like vultures on a carcass, but if lewis has the same thing done to him, they dismiss it - really is comedy.

It would be half as bad if they gave other drivers stick to, but they dont. Like i said, no balance, no consistancy.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by dyrewolfe Wed 31 Aug 2011, 2:37 pm

fernando wrote:Lewis Hamilton has apologised to his McLaren team and taken the blame for his crash with Kamui Kobayshi's Sauber that ended his Belgian Grand Prix.

"After watching the replay, I realize it was my fault today 100%. I didn't give Kobayashi enough room though I thought I was past," he Tweeted.

"Apologies to Kamui and to my team. The team deserves better from me."

I read that too and was quite shocked. I can only think it was for PR purposes, although quite what McLaren hoped to achieve by it, I'm not sure.

As far as I'm concerned Kobayashi's the one who should've apologised, as the lion's share of the blame lies with him. Its not like it would have ruined his race to lift off and make sure he didn't hit Hamilton. If they had just bumped wheels or something, I'd have been happy to call it a racing incident, but it ended Hamilton's race. For that, Kobayshi should have been given a 10-place grid penalty for the next race IMO.

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Fernando Wed 31 Aug 2011, 2:45 pm

How was that Kobayashi's fault?

Hamilton went past thought he was far enough ahead and pulled across to take the normal racing line not realizing kamui came back at him.

Before you go well Kobayashi wouldn't get past around the outside is a load of nonsense other drivers did it during the GP.

It was a racing incident.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by dyrewolfe Thu 01 Sep 2011, 3:42 pm

fernando wrote:How was that Kobayashi's fault?

Hamilton went past thought he was far enough ahead and pulled across to take the normal racing line not realizing kamui came back at him.

Before you go well Kobayashi wouldn't get past around the outside is a load of nonsense other drivers did it during the GP.

It was a racing incident.

Fair enough, thats your opinion.

But just suppose the roles had been reversed and Hamilton had taken Kobayashi out in the same manner. What do you reckon the odds are he would've been given a drive-though penalty as a minimum and probably handed a 10-place grid penalty for good measure?

Don't get me wrong, I like Kamui and rate him as a driver, but for any driver to escape any form of punishment for ending another driver's race, when it was easily avoidable, is just plain wrong.

Yes it was a racing incident, but a very clumsy and perfectly avoidable one. Yes other drivers were overtaking round the outside, but Kobayashi had no chance at that particular time.

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Fernando Thu 01 Sep 2011, 3:46 pm

dyrewolfe wrote:
fernando wrote:How was that Kobayashi's fault?

Hamilton went past thought he was far enough ahead and pulled across to take the normal racing line not realizing kamui came back at him.

Before you go well Kobayashi wouldn't get past around the outside is a load of nonsense other drivers did it during the GP.

It was a racing incident.

Fair enough, thats your opinion.

But just suppose the roles had been reversed and Hamilton had taken Kobayashi out in the same manner. What do you reckon the odds are he would've been given a drive-though penalty as a minimum and probably handed a 10-place grid penalty for good measure?

Don't get me wrong, I like Kamui and rate him as a driver, but for any driver to escape any form of punishment for ending another driver's race, when it was easily avoidable, is just plain wrong.

Yes it was a racing incident, but a very clumsy and perfectly avoidable one. Yes other drivers were overtaking round the outside, but Kobayashi had no chance at that particular time.

No doubt Hamilton would of got a drive through for it cos that's the way the FIA are nowadays but to say kobayashi shouldn't have been there is ridiculous as he was on the racing line for the corner and just because he was there doesn't mean he was trying to overtake Hamilton.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Critical_mass Fri 02 Sep 2011, 1:20 pm

[quote="fernando"]No doubt Hamilton would of got a drive through for it cos that's the way the FIA are nowadays[quote]

And this is what is wrong with the sport these days and undermines it totally in my opinion. Depending on the driver involved dictates the punishment, NOT the details of the incident dictates the punishment.

Its BS and no wonder Hamilton said what he did after Monaco. Sure he said he was joking and it appeared he was, but i bet a bit of him inside did mean it. I wouldnt blame him either. The sport is biased.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Belgarion of Riva Sun 04 Sep 2011, 10:45 pm

[quote="Critical_mass"][quote="fernando"]No doubt Hamilton would of got a drive through for it cos that's the way the FIA are nowadays

And this is what is wrong with the sport these days and undermines it totally in my opinion. Depending on the driver involved dictates the punishment, NOT the details of the incident dictates the punishment.

Its BS and no wonder Hamilton said what he did after Monaco. Sure he said he was joking and it appeared he was, but i bet a bit of him inside did mean it. I wouldnt blame him either. The sport is biased.

Kobayashi has been involved in a variety of incidents this season and has avoided penalties. He was also responsible for the almighty crash in Monaco but nothing was done. If Hamilton caused that crash the knives would be out.

I've watched that move over and over again and for the life of me, I can't see what Kobayashi was trying to do. He was behind Hamilton, saw him and still rammed him. Wasn't bad weather or anything. He took out Hamilton and got away with it.

Belgarion of Riva

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Sun 04 Sep 2011, 11:09 pm


Kobi rammed 'Ramilton'???

At what point did the Japanese driver turn his steering wheel into the Mclaren? That is slander and you know it.

It seemed Mclaren set up their cars for a wet race at the expense of top end speed for grip. This became apparent as Hamilton was not competitive with a Mercedes engine on the main staright. Hamilton was almost past Kobi, but due to more top end speed in the Sauber race set up he was able to come back at Hamilton and stop him from completing the move and was about to repass Hamilton around the outside of the corner.

Hamilton has accepted blame. Yet the fan boi's are pointing fingers at a FIA witch hunt.

Earlier, Hamilton should of been dropped down the grid 5 places for turning into Maldonado in Quali 2. Telemetary showed he turned into the South American Star and thus proves he is guilty of brash, immature driving.

Honestly, you expect consitency of punishment from the stewards.

Forza Alonso!
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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Belgarion of Riva Mon 05 Sep 2011, 11:15 am

So the Alono Fanboy is unhappy with Hamilton fanboys?

What telemetry did you see that showed Hamilton ran into Maldonado? Please provide a link.

Maldonado swiped Hamilton. That's why he was given a grid penalty.

On the point regarding Kobayashi, who was ahead at that corner and what part of Kobayashi's car hit Hamilton's. Was it a side on collision or was Hamilton hit from behind?

Hamilton came out with the PR nonsense because it seemed like the nice thing to do. Kobayashi rammed him and got away with it. Just like he got away with the horrible accident he caused at Monaco.

He got no punishment for that as well and didn't get called names like you call Hamilton.

Alessandro, your bias is ridiculous. You are actually worse than the fan boys you criticise as you would tell lies to promote your agenda.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Mon 05 Sep 2011, 12:13 pm


Both drivers were found guilty of causing a collision. Both drivers had the option to press the brake pedal. Both drivers turned into each other. Both were involved in an incident. Hamilton was luck not to get a grid penalty.

Hamiltons judgment on where the corners of his car are are very questionable after his incidents with Kobayashi and Maldonado here, di Resta in nurburgring, his team mate in canada, his coming together with everyone in monaco …etc.

As for myself lying to promote an agenda... ask Hamilton about lying to stewards to gain a placing promotion...

Forza Alonso!
Alessandro Ciambella
Alessandro Ciambella

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Belgarion of Riva Mon 05 Sep 2011, 12:24 pm

Alessandro Ciambella wrote:Bonjourno!

Both drivers were found guilty of causing a collision. Both drivers had the option to press the brake pedal. Both drivers turned into each other. Both were involved in an incident. Hamilton was luck not to get a grid penalty.

Hamiltons judgment on where the corners of his car are are very questionable after his incidents with Kobayashi and Maldonado here, di Resta in nurburgring, his team mate in canada, his coming together with everyone in monaco …etc.

As for myself lying to promote an agenda... ask Hamilton about lying to stewards to gain a placing promotion...

Forza Alonso!

I asked you some questions and you refused to answer them. I know your modus operandi and really shouldn't be getting into discussions with you as you aren't worth the hassle.

So I'll summarise your post

1) I Alessandro have got no link to back up the ridiculous telemetry statement I made
2) I Alessando won't answer questions that put holes in my argument or highlight my idiocy
3) When all else fails I Alessandro, attack Hamilton for misleading stewards forgetting that my idol Alonso lied to stewards last year at Hockenheim. I Alessandro will also not discuss crashgate or spygate)

Why did the stewards not give Hamilton a grid penalty for the Maldonado incident? I ask again, what part of Kobayashi's car collided with Hamilton's? Why was Kobayashi not given a penalty at Monaco for the crash he caused?

There's really no point trying to debate with you. It's a waste of time.

Belgarion of Riva

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Mon 05 Sep 2011, 1:14 pm


Why did the stewards not give Hamilton a grid penalty for the Maldonado incident?

Becasue the decided to give him a reprimand for the incident instead. He had the option to brake and get out of the situation on a slow down lap at the end of the session. He chose not to and the TV replays show he turned into him.

I ask again, what part of Kobayashi's car collided with Hamilton's?

Kobayashis' car was struck by Hamiltons car. Not the other way around. You can see clearly that Hamilton turns into Kobi. If Lewis thinks his mirrors are a novelty to get his car through an MOT then so be it. Kobi was well within rights to be there especially as he was going faster than Hamilton with his faster top end speed.

Why was Kobayashi not given a penalty at Monaco for the crash he caused?

Its the stewards opinion. Like me you want consistancy with verdicts.

Telemetry, GPS Positioning and video footage is used in the desicion making of racing incidents. Correct?

Forza Alonso!
Alessandro Ciambella
Alessandro Ciambella

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Critical_mass Mon 05 Sep 2011, 4:03 pm

Alessandro Ciambella wrote:Telemetry, GPS Positioning and video footage is used in the desicion making of racing incidents. Correct?

You wouldnt think so judging by some of the appalling decisions that have occurred.


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Belgarion of Riva Tue 06 Sep 2011, 11:31 am

Critical_mass wrote:
Alessandro Ciambella wrote:Telemetry, GPS Positioning and video footage is used in the desicion making of racing incidents. Correct?

You wouldnt think so judging by some of the appalling decisions that have occurred.

I agree, appalling decisions like Kobayashi's accident in Monaco

Belgarion of Riva

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by dyrewolfe Tue 06 Sep 2011, 4:25 pm

Alessandro Ciambella wrote:Bonjourno!

I ask again, what part of Kobayashi's car collided with Hamilton's?

Kobayashis' car was struck by Hamiltons car. Not the other way around. You can see clearly that Hamilton turns into Kobi. If Lewis thinks his mirrors are a novelty to get his car through an MOT then so be it. Kobi was well within rights to be there especially as he was going faster than Hamilton with his faster top end speed.

Why was Kobayashi not given a penalty at Monaco for the crash he caused?

Its the stewards opinion. Like me you want consistancy with verdicts.

Telemetry, GPS Positioning and video footage is used in the desicion making of racing incidents. Correct?

Forza Alonso!

You were obviously watching a different race to most other people then...either that or those Ferrari blinkers need some adjusting.

To answer your first question, the front end of Kobayashi's car hit the left rear of Hamilton's, spinning him off, onto an escape road and into a tyre wall...just to refresh your failing memory.

Lewis was hit by Kamui...not the other way round.

You're probably the ONLY person here who thinks Hamilton turned into Kobayashi. Why the hell would he turn left, going into a right-hander?

Furthermore, any driver looking at their mirrors going into a corner (i.e. a tight one, as opposed to a fast one) isn't doing their job properly.

Lewis took a wide line into the corner, but is entitled to take any line he likes, being ahead and having clear track in front of him. Kamui was attempting to come back at Lewis, but didn't have anything like enough speed to get past at that point (thats why he rear-ended Hamilton). He should have seen the gap closing and backed off until another opportunity arose, or switched to the inside.

Finally, answer me this question. If the Sauber has much better "top end speed" (whatever that is), how come Hamilton was able to overtake Kobayashi quite easily on the straight (where cars reach their top speeds?

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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Guest Wed 07 Sep 2011, 11:46 am

seriously this forum is so Poopie compared to 606!


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Critical_mass Wed 07 Sep 2011, 1:31 pm

John wrote:seriously this forum is so Poopie compared to 606!

Why you say that?


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Guest Wed 07 Sep 2011, 4:02 pm

due to allessandro ciambella mainly and the constant Poopie


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Fernando Wed 07 Sep 2011, 4:06 pm

Use the Foe button then OK


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Critical_mass Wed 07 Sep 2011, 4:48 pm

what "foe" button? Does that mean we wont see Ciabattas comments? If we ALL do it................ Whistle


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The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011 Empty Re: The Official Lewis Hamilton Belgium GP 2011

Post by Fernando Wed 07 Sep 2011, 7:35 pm

Pretty much , it will come as you can't see ( person's name) comment if you wish to display this post click here.


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