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NFL clubs and players seek mediation over agreement

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NFL clubs and players seek mediation over agreement Empty NFL clubs and players seek mediation over agreement

Post by ADMIN Sat 19 Feb 2011, 12:24 am

The National Football League and the players' union, the NFLPA, have agreed to go to federal mediation in their disagreement over working arrangements.

The current collective bargaining agreement between the NFL and players ends on 4 March and talks have stalled.

The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) will now oversee talks.

The negotiations cover wages, drug testing, health and pension benefits, and plans to increase the regular season from 16 to 18 games.

Earlier this week the club owners filed an unfair labour practice complaint against the players' union.

The FMCS is an independent government agency to help preserve and encourage harmony in worker-management discussions.
'Ongoing negotiation'

"I have had separate, informal discussions with the key representatives of the National Football League and the National Football League Players Association during the course of their negotiations for a successor collective bargaining agreement," FMCS director George H Cohen said in a statement.

"At the invitation of the FMCS, and with the agreement of both parties, the ongoing negotiations will now be conducted under my auspices in Washington DC, commencing Friday."

The collective bargaining agreement (CBA) covers the financial framework of top-level American football, a thriving, multibillion dollar business.

However, NFL owners say their profit margins are being squeezed and want to modify distribution of annual revenues of $9bn (£5.5bn).

Currently, the players get about 61% of the NFL revenue, and the owners want to see this arrangement rebalanced.

If an agreement cannot be reached, there is the possibility the club owners could lock out the players from their stadiums and facilities and shut down the game.

That would mean empty stadiums and blank TV screens when the 2011 NFL competition is scheduled to restart again on Thursday, 8 September.


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Join date : 2011-01-24

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